Tuesday, July 7, 2009

EX 7 Using commas in compound sentences

write each sentence, adding the necessary commas. if no comma is needed, write correct

1. The food industry includes the production and distribution of food as well as the people involved in this most important business

2. About 3 million americans work in farming and other related fields to produce basic foods for the food market.

3. Livestock farmers raise animals for beef yet not all our meat comes from this type of farming

4. Private fishermen and large commercial fleets gather huge quantities of fish and shellfish

5. Food is shipped to processing plants and it is then prepared and packaged for the market.

6. Fruits and vegetables are washed and sorted before they are sent to the market.

7. Much food is put through a process irradiation so that most of the bacteria on food is killed by radiation

8. Neither light nor moisture is good for food preservation so most food products are packaged immediately after they are processed.

9. Shipping companies transport the food from producers to consumersin refrigerated trucks for fresh food spoils quickly.

10. the finished food product can be sold in a variety of locations but in the united states the most common place is a supermarket or grocery store.

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