Monday, June 22, 2009


1. Guide questions for the major essay:
a. It has been said that a myth is an imaginative representation of an aspect of the human condition. Myths allow us to understand human nature - and ourselves - better. How does the myth you have chosen do this? How does it help us see ourselves as we really are?

2. Select a myth to use in your major paper and write it on a size 2 along with the following: -write a 5-sentence summary of the myth of your choice -what is the purpose of the myth? -what does it suggest about the values and the beliefs of the culture presented in it?

3. Wheh doing research, don't just use Wikipedia. Use university websites, the Gutenberg project, and books like Edith Hamilton's Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes.

4. Please review the parts of the writing process. you may refer to pages 6-19 of Writing and Gramar: Communication in action (Gold Level)

5. bring a copy of your selected myth (as well as any notes you may have written during your research) ON MONDAY

6. If you work fast, you can do all of this in less that two hours. :) see what a nice guy I am? :D Now you can relax for most of the break!

7. Enjoy the break! By the way, Transformers 2 comes out on a Wednesday :D

your teacher, Carlo Rivera

the most important HOMEWORK: don't get sick!
1. drink lots of water
2. get 8 1/2 hours of sleep every night
3. take vitamins
4. wash your hands regularly with antibacterial soap and/or hand sanitizer
5. when coughing or sneezing, use disposable tissues, not handkerchiefs. if tissues are unavailable, do not sneeze on yourself. aim at the ground instead. do not cough or sneeze at other people :D
6. don't panic. even in the worst case, H1N1 cannot kill you if you stay hydrated.
7. Don't die. If you die, I swear it will break my heart. :(

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