Thursday, August 6, 2009


Guys, eto lang yung kaylangan for the vocabs. YAY. I posted the meaning naren kasi Bonsee's asking for it. :| :))

1. acrimony - Sharpness.
2. ameliorate - To become better.
3. askance - With a side glance.
4. bastion - Strong supporter.
5. bedlam - A place or situation of noisy uproar and confusion.
6. blithe - Lighthearted.
7. caustic - Substance that burns or destroys living tissues.
8. cornucopia - Abundant, overflowing.
9. cull - To reduce or control the size.
10. derision - Contemptuous laughter.
11. diffident - Lacking confident in one's ability.
12. dissenter - A person who dissents as from an establishes church.
13. efficacious - Capable of having desire result or effect.
14. fortuitous - Lucky.
15. hackneyed - Kept for public hire. Common place.
16. inexorable - Unattainable. Inevitable.
17. insouciance - Careless. Indifferent. Nonchalance.
18. mollify - To calm in temper. Soothe.
19. mummery - Ridiculous or hypocritical ceremony or performance.
20. nuisance - Annoying. Unpleasant.
21. pandemonium - Confusion and disorder, a place or scene of chaos.
22. persnickety - Snooty. Fussy.
23. plethora - Over abundance. Excess.
24. pulchritude - Physical comeliness.
25. reticent - Silence. Reserved. Restrained.
26. saccharine - Like sugar. Too sweet. Too sentimental.
27. seraphic - Angel of highest order.
28. soporific - Feeling drowsy and heavy.
29. stentorian - Extremely loud and booming.
30. sobriety - Soberness.


-Nadine. :)

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